Monday, December 19, 2016

My favourite bookish ships

Image result for ron and hermione Ronmione

Obviously they take number one spot. They'll always be my absolute fav. I think they're relationship was so well developed. It was so damn sweet and lovely. They're complete opposites which makes it even better, I've always been a sucker for that type of thing. I would absolutely read a whole book dedicated to Ronmione. I have my favourite Ronminone sections marked so I can easily go back to them when I want a little Ronmione action.


Ever since Will was first introduced, I was rooting for him. I never once was rooting for Jem. Not that I didn't like Jem, I love Jem, he is such a gentle soul. I love Will, though, I love him so much and I think Will and Tessa worked together so well. They so much passionate together, I know Jem loves Tessa but in my opinion, they never shared as much passion. I think their relationship was much gentler and softer that her relationship with Will.


When I read A Court of Thorns and Roses, I was a major Feylin shipper and I didn't understand all the Rhysand hype. It wasn't until A Court of Mist and Fury that I realised all of Rhysands charm and the easiness between Rhysand and Feyre. I thought their relationship was so much easier and well fitted than her relationship with Tamlin. I adore Rhysand and he brings out something more interesting in Feyre. I like it a lot. Sidenote, if you want to feel all the things you need to check out some of the fan art, it's really incredible.


I love the Legend trilogy and I'm obsessed with Day and June. They're kind of problematic together but they just need to be together, like, right now. They have a very special place in my heart full of ships. They contrast each other yet they really fit and they love each other so much. I can hardly think about the way Champion ended.


  1. Am I the only one that hates Feyre and Rhysand together? Then again I didn't like Tamlin either, but both relationships seemed very creepy and clingy to me.

    1. I can see where you're coming from there, actually. Since writing this post and getting over that ACOMAF hype I've been reconsidering how healthy their relationship is.
