Friday, June 03, 2016

Introducing me!

My names Brooklyn, I'm living in Australia and I love to read. I hope to create a bit of a name for myself for book reviews, I'm currently on goodreads as brooklynsippingacupoftea but I would like to further myself. I've only very recently started reviewing since I got a new laptop which is much easier to review on.

I'm obviously not an English major so I'd appreciate if you could reach out to my privately if you have any tips for my writing but hey, every ones got to start somewhere so here I am. I won't enclose my age or any other personal details for now but the time may well come.

On this blog, I will post not only book reviews but my bookish thoughts as well. I hope this is a blog everyone can come to enjoy, I know I enjoy reading others thoughts. I plan to post every Saturday, I like schedule and routine so every Saturday it will be. If you're like me and like routine and schedule then don't fear because I do promise to have a post up each and every Saturday since I will be writing them before hand and scheduling them in to post so I will be organised on that front.

Those are the basics, so enjoy!


  1. You live in AUSTRALIA? That is so cool, I would love to live there!
    I got into blogging 7 months ago, it was fun. Then 2 months ago, I got a new laptop and found myself enjoying blogging more. I established my schedule,designed my blog etc...
    I'm always up for a bookish discussion, keep your eyes peeled for my Monday post! I love to read, like you. It's great to find other book worms.
    Keep writing and inspiring,
    Train Of Thought

    1. Yes! So many people are amazed by that, it's a beautiful place. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Great blog :) Nice to meet you!
