Now, we have A World Without You by Beth Revis which is being released on the 19th. A World Without You is about a boy who believes he can travel time, Bo is convinced his school is a school for people with superpowers. When Bo falls in love with Sofia who is deeply depressed and has the superpower of invisibilty, Sofia helps Bo to open up. In turn Bo gives her comfort. This, however, isn't enough to pull her out of her depression. Sofia commits suicide but Bo is convinced she's not dead, he believes she just stuck in time, that perhaps he left her in the past. The book follows Bo as he tries to save Sofia. This book sounds great, I haven't read anything from Beth Revis yet but from what I've been told shes an awesome author and I'm excited for this to hopefully be my first book of hers. It sounds very different and intriguing, I can't wait.
So, theres a quick look at what we have to look forward to in July. I hope you liked it and if you did let me know and I might do some more things like this in the future.
Tell me what you're looking forward to in July down in the comments! :)