This month I read:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Okay, so I will admit I read fair bit this month. I finished off my Harry Potter reread and I loved it. I am in the process of writing a lengthy, chatty post about it. So definitely stay tuned for that. I'm also trying to knock off a few more series' before the end of the year, hence Blue Lily, Lily Blue and Cress. Hopefully I can manage to bowl over The Raven Boys and The Lunar Chronicles pretty soon. I didn't read any contemporaries this month which might be why I had such a stressful and emotional month.
This month on the blog I've been a bit inactive. I've been mostly posting reviews because I'm just tired and I always have plenty of reviews. I've been terribly slack at visiting other blogs too. But, I'm hoping to manage my time a bit better in September. I also have a long weekend coming up that I'm hoping to do some blogging in. We'll see.
This month in life stuff has been hectic. I did my driving assessment yesterday, I failed because I turn corners too wide and didn't consistently check my blind spot. I could rant about it and trust me I already have, I'm not happy that the assessment was completely fair but it happened and I'll have to get over it. It just got me down a bit because it's been one thing on top of the other recently. I've been crazy busy at school with revision, last minute assessments, retests. Just all that fun stuff. I've been practising my trumpet like crazy. Any spare minute I'm playing. So, it's been a bit. I've never really been stressed like this because in high school none of this really mattered but it does so much this year. But, I'm at least 93% sure I can get through it because I'm made of tough stuff. Or as I'd have myself believe.
So, good reading month. Read some really great books. Bad blogging month. Life is stressful and hard but worth it someday I'm sure but until then I will persist. I hope you've all had a fantastic August and I hope an even better September.