Can't believe it's that time again. This year is well and truly going too fast. I've had a lot of great times in April and I can't wait to talk about it. It's been fun and productive which is the best kind of month.

I read:
Laramie: Ten Years Later
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
Stargazing for Beginners by Jenny McLachlan
Noteworthy by Riley Redgate
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of The Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Room Empty by Sarah Mussi
Caraval by Stephanie Garber
P.S I Still Love You by Jenny Han
John Lennon's Letter's
Countless by Karen Gregory
I read a lot. I've been on holidays so that's why. My first term of college is over so I've been on term one holidays. I tend to binge read during the holidays because I struggle to read during the school week. It was actually a really great reading month, I read so many things that I absolutely adored. My favourites have to be Noteworthy, Aristotle and Dante, and P.S I Still Love You. Although, I'm an absolute contemporary nut so I'm sure you could've predicted that much. I didn't buy any books this month on my book buying ban. I'm saving up to buy a new trumpet so I'm actually really pleased with my self control. I was gifted three which is probably the only reason I've had the self control to not buy anymore. I'm hoping to go until at least July without buying any books.
Early in the month, my mum and I won tickets to go see a Beatles tribute band and it was so fun. I really loved it. It kind of daggy but I was grinning the whole night. I hardly ever win things so it was a huge surprise. I was thrilled because I so desperately wanted to go. I had a brilliant night and my mum loved it too. It was a nice girls night out.
Also, a couple of weeks ago my band competitions were on. This is the first time I've done a national competition. The last time my band went into national comps was back in 2010 and I was only in my second year back then. So, we did it. I remember back in 2014, we were told that is what we were working towards and I remember thinking about 2017 and how far away it was. Back then, we were only really talking about the experience and less about winning but last year after state comps, we started to realise we were actually in with a chance of winning. We worked so hard with two rehearsals a week for the whole year. We were one of the few bands entering in two sections so we had twice the amount of work to do. We worked our asses off. Annndddd, we came out on top of both sections. It was so worth it and I'd do it all again, and in fact, we are doing it again next year since we absolutely smashed it out. We'll be going higher sections though and I'm really looking forward to it.
There's a handful other other things that happened in April, but I'll spare you. I've had a really good month and I'm hoping it's only up and up from here out. I hope you've all had a brilliant April and I hope you have an even better May!